When offering feedback for this project, I found that I was able to offer a good mixture of both local and global concerns. When reading through and commenting on Tyler’s essay, I first started with any local revision. Being able to recognize sentence structure and grammar issues was something that I was able to do in high school as well, and it therefore has never been very difficult for me. However, when it comes to global revisions, it took some getting used to. Specifically in the first paper, I commented on the fact that Tyler had presented a lot of his own opinion in the beginning of his paper, but never really related it back to Rhineharts thoughts. I suggested that he add a quote and tie some analysis to it in order to show the differences between his thoughts and those of Reinhart. Being able to compare your opinion to that of someone who has opposing thoughts, is something that I have learned can strengthen a discussion paper. It is also important to note that you have to be able to discredit or discuss why your stance is better, but this strategy should be implemented if you are looking to be more convincing. Being able to identify more in depth revisions such as the organization of ideas, the presentation of ideas, etc is something that I have definitely learned to do better after this year. However, I am still looking to grow my skills within revision, so that I am able to better help my peers to write the best possible paper, and help myself better employ the messages I am preaching.  
